07 March, 2009

Number 12

Whether it was tomorrow or had been before
(Or would be this minute)
I can’t say that it mattered
Since I am certain
Tenses change when I am with you

So you and I stay
With spaghetti hair and slouched backs
If we had been smokers, there’d have been
Gray strata hanging ruthlessly
Turning my vision to smudges

But we are not
Or I am not, and you might have been
But wouldn’t say, because I am (or have been or can be)

So as it were, you and I just stay
And you are leaning (ruthlessly) against a column
With last week’s shirt and nothing to do with your hands

Unimportant words drifted out of you
Words about change and movement
They would become languid boats
On the decks of which I could sprawl
Palms open to stagnant air

You will trace patterns in dust on the table
Before laying me there
Then rest your head in the crook of my elbow
We find shapes in the popcorn of the yellowed ceiling
And make up adventures for the shapes to have

Even if I weren’t or wouldn't be happy
I wouldn’t have wished for the ruthless time
Insisting, as it does, on moving
To go faster

Since you (curled against my side)
Seemed like enough
At the time

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